Al-Meezan Enterprise is one of the first companies to provide contemporary modest clothing/products which meet the aesthetic and cultural needs of the new generation of Muslims living in Indian subcontinent and it aims to provide educational tools/books to enable creative learning among the young people. 
Our aim is to serve people who are attracted by the stylish, modest clothing that our company offers. We are grateful and humbled to be able to serve people of all schools of thoughts who find that their faith encourages them to dress modestly, without having to sacrifice style and beauty. We also aspire to be a model Islamic business, by applying sacred Islamic values to a contemporary, multinational company.
We follow fair trade and ethical labor practices, pursue a path of perfection by producing clothing of the highest standards, and apply Islamic financial and investment principles, avoiding interest-based financing.
Al-Meezan is an Arabic word found in the Qur’an which means "The balance". God mentions Al-Meezan  3 times in Surah Rahman. 

We aspire to restore beautiful balance of traditionalism and modernity through our books ,products, and goods.